Saturday, February 20, 2010

Can you get natural hair color back without shaving your head?

And I mean dying it more than a couple times. My hair was a light brown color and I've dyed it reddish-brown and blond colors over the last 3 or 4 years. I'm thinking I've bleached it twice. I had it a milk-chocolate color but that only lasted about two days(I'm glad) and that was about two years ago.

So, can you get natural hair color back without shaving your head?Can you get natural hair color back without shaving your head?
go to a salon and tell em you want to go back to ur natural. they'll match your roots to a color swatch and go from there. you'll get pretty close if not the same as your natural. the only way to really get your natural is to grow it out.

';stripping'; your hair is a form of mild bleaching.. which depending on your hair, may have to be done also. don't try that at home. definitely go to a salon. if you get a kit out of a box it will jus cause way more damage than necessary.

good luck! :)Can you get natural hair color back without shaving your head?
I don't think you can actually get your natural hair color back without growing it back out. You can strip out the artificial color by using something like Color Oops (from the Drug Store) but it may leave a brassy tint on the hair (and does some damage, as well, even though the box claims that it won't). Plus you've already altered the hair itself, with the bleaching.

Your best bet would be to find a good salon and ask for the stylist's advice on transitioning back to natural hair (what to do with the processed hair while you grow out the natural part)
If you dyed it darker, then the colour can be stripped. This is because your hair follicle has been opened and colour has been implanted. However, when it is stripped, the result will be kind of a splotchy redish.

However, if you bleached your hair lighter than your natural colour, then it cannot be undone. Bleaching opens the hair follicle and removes a certain amount of natural colour. Therefore, the colour is gone and cannot be replenished except with a dye to match your natural shade.

My suggestion is to go to a professional. Bring a photo of yourself with your natural colour and ask them to dye it to match. That way, when your natural colour grows back in, it will not be obvious.
um.. probablly i mean new roots would be from natural geens right?? I think it'd work
i dont think so im still trying to then got tired of trying so i dyed my blonde and pink

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