Monday, February 22, 2010

How can I mix my natural hair better with the weave?

Yeah so I have a straight weave in %26amp; they lleft a little out to cover the tracks which is good, but my natural hair straight and the weaves idea is straight is different. No matter how hard I straighten %26amp; gel it you can just tell. I know its not gunna be impossible to tell the difference between,but how can I have i mix really good?How can I mix my natural hair better with the weave?
What you should of done was buy a texture close to your hair texture. Next time try Bohyme Saharan, its straight hair, but has a little texture to it to match African American hair. But as far as the hair you have now, if you have a good flat iron it should work. BTW, do not use gel to try and flat it down, it doesnt look to appealing having hair slicked down.

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