wat u can do is just dye it back to the orginal color or close to it and as it grows it will blend togetherHow do I get my natural hair colour back?
You CANNOT remove artificial color from your hair (aka-the brown you used) with more artificial colors (bleach) you would need to get your hair stripped, which seriously damages your hair. Best idea would be to grow it out, as much as you don't want that.
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Same prob with me. ! I died my hair dark black %26amp; it was light Carmel brown %26amp; I went to Wal-mart ( or any drug store ] %26amp; got this thing called Color oops. It take out permanent hair color. Its like 12 $ but SOSO worth it!
You can get special lightening sets which lighten your colour up to 4 shades.
As long as you don't dye it often and use a good conditioner your hair should be fine. (I did it and it was ok)
go to a salon and get it stripped. it will be a little damaged afterward, but at least you'll have your color back
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