Saturday, February 20, 2010

How long can i expect my natural hair to grow when i am transitioning from relaxed hair to natural?

I'm transitioning from natural hair to relaxed hair and the length of my hair is to the nape of my neck, however i only have about 2 inches of natural hair and the rest is relaxed. I'm not ready to cut off my relaxed hair yet, i want to let it grow to where i'm comfortable. What length should my hair be in a year or two if i keep it braided 3/4 of the time?How long can i expect my natural hair to grow when i am transitioning from relaxed hair to natural?
Hair grows at a rate of 1/2 per month as previously stated so after a year you will have about 6 inches of new growth..of course it will not look like 6 because it is curly.

But honey the fastest way for hair to grow is to not focus on it, just do what you need to do to keep it healthy and in good condition and the length will come trust me.

I went natural about 5 years ago let it grow, and ended up trying to do way too much to it so August of 08 i cut it into a bob [chin length] and decided to just let it grow without manipulating it much, I did braids and all of that and now my hair is APL [arm pit length]. and it doesn't even feel like it's been that long

Keeping braids or something where you're not playing in it or putting heat on it is definitely the right way to go, and after a few times of braids and seeing your new growth, i wouldn't be surprised if you cut off the relaxed ends much sooner than you're expecting [i know i did] because you get tired of holding on to something that's doing nothing for you anyway, and plus after you cut it you can always still get it braided until it's more comfortable for you.

and if you need inspiration or tips or just someone to vent to and get a second, third, or fourth opinion to keep you motivated definitely check out Fokti and the long hair care forum, if those picture aren't enough to show how benefital natural hair is and that it CAN and DOES grow, nothing will.

There's a girl with hair down to her butt on there...How long can i expect my natural hair to grow when i am transitioning from relaxed hair to natural?

You may want to check out this site for tips, photos, tutorials and videos on transitioning. I transitioned in 7 months and never been happier!

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If your hair and scalp are healthy, your natural hair will grow and grow! But your permed ends will break and break lol. I transitioned for over a year, don't do like I did and hold onto those ragged strands. Also - don't use a hotcomb or flat iron to transition!

Cut your hair ASAP. Cut it into a style if youre uneasy. If I had to transition again, that's what I'd do. Let your natural hair grow just long enough for you to style it. OR get braids/kinky twists. I did EVERYTHING to transition - to the point of a long straight weave lol. Twists were the best. Once my own hair had about 5 solid inches, I felt comfortable to cut the permed ends off and twist it without weave.

Good luck, and remember to play in and comb your natural hair yourself. Dont let it grow out without you knowing how to manage it, people who do that tend to give up and get relaxers again.
As long as you don't experience any major breakage from your natural hair then you can expect approximately 6 inches more hair in a year. If you don't have that much then either your natural hair has broken off or it's growing slower than average. If you want to know exactly how long it will be then you can get a ruler and measure 6 inches from from where your natural hair ends to get a good approximation.
The average rate of hair growth is 1/2 inch per month.

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