Saturday, February 20, 2010

What type of natural hair product can help tame my wavy hair?

I have wavy hair that is always wild and frizzy when I wear it naturally, so I typically straighten it instead. But of course, due to my excessive straightening, my hair has horrible dead/split ends, so I decided I am going to wear it naturally from now on. I am looking for a natural gel or mousse that will make my waves more orderly, a little more glossy and less frizzy. Thank you!What type of natural hair product can help tame my wavy hair?
I like the Garnier Curl Scrunch Gel. I have the exact same problem as you with excessive straightening. You don't have to put alot of this stuff in your hair or it can feel sticky, but it really helps the curls in my hair when i wear it natural like that.

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