Sunday, February 28, 2010

How can I get my natural hair color back without damaging it or letting it grow out!?

I want my natural blond hair back!

And I don't want to dye it!!How can I get my natural hair color back without damaging it or letting it grow out!?
depending on what you did, you could try OOPs, sold in hair colour aisle...that will remove hair dye that is in your hair...not sure if it will be exactly what you need as you didn't state your problem. A great product to try is Natural Instinct, go as close to you natural colour as possible and it really conditions your hair too.....if your hair is just flat looking and not dyed that will do wonders too. blessingsHow can I get my natural hair color back without damaging it or letting it grow out!?
i would see if there's any shampoos or hair products that fade hair color. definitely don't use color protectent stuff. or you could ask your hair stylist too and see what she thinks. o then i have one more idea. use sun-in. it's a spray you can either use with the sun or with a blow dryer and it makes your hair blonder because it has lemon juice in it :)
i had the same problem. if you go to your hair dresser they have a dye that takes out all previous dye that was ever put in your hair and it doesnt damage it and it goes back to your orginal color.
I believe in drug stores, there are products dat u put in ur hair to drained the colour out, ask them cuz i dont noe exact names of one, or if u have the money go to the hair dressers.

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